public class RunnableExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Count cnt = new Count();
try {
System.out.println("Main thread will be alive");
catch(InterruptedException e)
System.out.println("Main thread interuppted");
System.out.println("Main thread run is over");
class Count implements Runnable
Thread mythread;
mythread = new Thread(this,"my runnable thread");
System.out.println("my thread created"+mythread);
public void run(){
for (int i=0; i<5; i++){
System.out.println("Printing the count"+i);
catch(InterruptedException e){
System.out.println("my thread interuppted");
System.out.println("my thread run is over");
my thread createdThread[my runnable thread,5,main]
Printing the count 0
Main thread will be alive
Printing the count 1
Main thread will be alive
Printing the count 2
Main thread will be alive
Printing the count 3
Main thread will be alive
Printing the count 4
Main thread will be alive
my thread run is over
Main thread run is over
Here's an explanation of this output:
The "my runnable thread" is created, and its name and ID are printed.
The "my runnable thread" starts running, and it enters the
method. It prints "Printing the count 0" and then sleeps for 1 second. -
The main thread enters the while loop and prints "Main thread will be alive."
This pattern continues as the "my runnable thread" counts from 0 to 4, printing and sleeping.
After the "my runnable thread" completes its work, it prints "my thread run is over."
The main thread continues to execute the loop, periodically printing "Main thread will be alive" until it detects that the "my runnable thread" has finished.
Once the "my runnable thread" has finished, the main thread also prints "Main thread run is over," and the program terminates.
// Abstract class to represent a network plan
abstract class DataPlan {
String planType;
double callRate;
public DataPlan(String planType, double callRate) {
this.planType = planType;
this.callRate = callRate;
// Abstract method to calculate the cost
public abstract double calculateCost(int minutes);
// Method to display the bill
public void displayBill(int minutes) {
double cost = calculateCost(minutes);
System.out.println("The bill amount for " + planType + " of " + minutes + " units is: Rs. " + cost);
// Concrete network plan classes
class AMobile extends DataPlan {
public AMobile() {
super("AMobile", 1.50);
public double calculateCost(int minutes) {
return callRate * minutes;
class BMobile extends DataPlan {
public BMobile() {
super("BMobile", 1.75);
public double calculateCost(int minutes) {
return callRate * minutes;
class CMobile extends DataPlan {
public CMobile() {
super("CMobile", 1.50);
public double calculateCost(int minutes) {
return callRate * minutes;
public class SelectNetworkFactory {
public static DataPlan getNetworkPlan(String planType) {
if (planType.equals("AMobile")) {
return new AMobile();
} else if (planType.equals("BMobile")) {
return new BMobile();
} else if (planType.equals("CMobile")) {
return new CMobile();
} else {
return null; // Handle unknown plan types here
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Example usage:
String planType = "AMobile";
int minutes = 2;
DataPlan plan = getNetworkPlan(planType);
if (plan != null) {
} else {
System.out.println("Unknown plan type.");