Access Modifiers

Access modifiers :: are keywords that determine the visibility and accessibility of classes, methods, and fields in a Java program.


  1. public:: This is the least restrictive access modifier, and it allows a class, method, or field to be accessed from anywhere within the same package or from other packages.

2. private:: This is the most restrictive access modifier, and it restricts the visibility of a class member to only within the same class. This means that the member cannot be accessed from other classes.

3. protected:: This access modifier allows a class member to be accessed within the same package and also by subclasses, even if they are in different packages.

4. default (no modifier):: If no access modifier is specified, the member has package-private visibility, which means it can be accessed only within the same package.

package com.example; // Assume this is the package name

// A class with public access modifier
public class PublicClass {
    public void publicMethod() {
        System.out.println("This is a public method.");

// A class with default (package-private) access modifier
class DefaultClass {
    void defaultMethod() {
        System.out.println("This is a default method.");

// Another class in the same package
class AnotherClassInSamePackage {
    // A class member with private access modifier
    private String privateField = "This is a private field.";

    // A class member with protected access modifier
    protected void protectedMethod() {
        System.out.println("This is a protected method.");

// Subclass in a different package
package com.example.subpackage; // A different package

import com.example.AnotherClassInSamePackage;

public class SubclassInDifferentPackage extends AnotherClassInSamePackage {
    public void accessProtectedMethod() {
        protectedMethod(); // Accessing a protected method from a subclass in a different package

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        PublicClass publicObj = new PublicClass();

        DefaultClass defaultObj = new DefaultClass();

        AnotherClassInSamePackage anotherObj = new AnotherClassInSamePackage();
        // Private fields and protected methods are not accessible here

        SubclassInDifferentPackage subclassObj = new SubclassInDifferentPackage();