Here, we record topics related to the courses we follow, these discussions are merely for our purposes on enhancing the understanding of subject matters...
Level 03
- Communication & Computer Technology
- Introduction of Sri Lankan Law
- Basic Mathematics for Computing | WIP
Level 04
- Economics and Marketing for Engineering
- User Experience Engineering
- Object Oriented Design
- Data Modelling and Database Systems
- Data Science
- Data Structures and Algorithm | WIP
Level 05
- Software Testing and Quality Assurance
- Computer Architecture and Operating Systems | WIP
- Accounting for Engineers | WIP
- Technology, Society and Environment | WIP
- Embedded Systems and Internet of Things | WIP
- Advanced Database Systems | WIP
Level 06
- Software Project Management | WIP
- Emerging Technologies | WIP
- Software Architecture and Design | WIP
- Professional Practice | WIP
- Principles and Applications of Data Mining